Graduation is less than two months away and some of us are still revising cover letters. Creating the perfect CV takes time and since we’ve been told that time is essential to employers, we need that ‘UMPH’ to win them over! This gets hard when you have to exclude half  the great stuff to leave the less interesting, yet important details. Trust me, I know the struggle.

Research helps improve our writing skills and helps move our CVs to the top of the pile! Please know that I am not a PR professional (yet) and that I am just offering insight. Getting the actual internship takes time and patience, but putting forth the effort when writing sets the foundation for many open doors.

Try these tips when prepping an email:

Know to whom you’re writing. 

Because there are different departments and branches, it is important to do a little research about the company you’re applying. Knowing the position of a specific personnel you are emailing is crucial. This lets them know that you’re knowledgeable about the company and gives a more personal touch to the letter.

Narrow it down –try one paragraph.

Yes, space is limited. Think about how many applicants they’re reviewing, do you really think that a full page will be noticeable? Every sentence needs to be worth the employer’s attention. When sending an email, try blending your cover letter into your message instead of adding an attachment. TIME is essential so send an early morning email, many people skim through it when starting their day.

Show a little personality.

It is completely okay to be yourself and be informal, but remain professional. It isn’t okay to be too personal; employers need a little curiosity. Remember, you WANT to land a reply for an interview.

Craft an eye-popping subject line.

Depending on the employer and the position you’re hoping to get, create a catchy line to grab the personnel’s attention. Imagine a full inbox of eager applicants. Depressing isn’t it? You want your email header to instantly jump out, peaking interest. And no, this doesn’t mean ALL CAPS!

Proofread, proofread, proofread! 

Misspelled words, punctuation errors and proper grammar are factors that could ruin your chances of getting the position. Try reading aloud or having someone read the letter back to you. Getting a second opinion allows room for improvements.

Do follow up.

Because TIME is essential, it is best to email. As I said before, use a catchy subject line. Kindly (and respectfully) let the employer know that you’ve contacted them before about the position. Do show personality to let them see how enthused you are for the job. Persistence is key, but don’t push it. If you don’t hear anything back after a week, move on. Something better is waiting for you 🙂

If you’d like a creative (FREE) cover letter template, please comment and share your email! 

Source: PR Couture


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